
South Petherton Church of England Infants and Pre-School

South Petherton Church of England Infants and Pre-School

PE and Sport Premium

Sports Grant Funding


What is it?


The PE and sport premium is funding for schools to spend on helping pupils be more healthy and active. 


PE and sport premium should be used to make sustainable improvements to the PE, sport and physical activity schools provide, such as:

  • Funding high-quality PE and sport for at least 2 hours a week
  • Providing a wide range of extracurricular sport and competitive opportunities
  • Providing or improving equal access to sport for boys and girls

The Department of Education also identifies 5 key priorities for improvement:

  • Increasing all staff’s confidence, knowledge and skills in teaching PE and sport
  • Increasing engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity and sport
  • Raising the profile of PE and sport across the school, to support whole school improvement
  • Offering a broader and more equal experience of a range of sports and physical activities to all pupils
  • Increasing participation in competitive sport

The guidance refers to the UK chief medical officer's recommendation that:

  • Children should take part in moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity for at least 60 minutes every day
  • Disabled children and young people should take part in 20 minutes of physical activity per day

South Petherton C of E Infants Sports Grant Funding 2023/24

The 5 Key Indicators for Sports Grant Funding

‘It takes a STRONG person to say SORRY, and an even STRONGER person to FORGIVE’.