
South Petherton Church of England Infants and Pre-School

South Petherton Church of England Infants and Pre-School


Welcome to the gallery! Please enjoy browsing our photographs.

Welcome to Kingfisher Class Art Gallery.


Over the past two weeks we have been busy learning about the French artist George Seurat and his painting technique known as Pointillism. 


Tiny dots of pure colour are used relying on the eye and mind of the viewer to blend the colour spots into a fuller range of tones.  To practice this method, we created Pointillism colour wheels.

Once we had mastered the technique we put it to use and created these beautiful Autumn trees. 

Together Kingfisher Class then recreated George Seurat’s most famous piece of work, ‘A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte’ which depicts a typical outing for Parisians living in the 1880’s.
Continuing with the ‘Dot’ theme and linking in with the book we have been reading, ‘The Dot’ by Peter Reynolds, we used our wonderful imaginations and turned ‘Dots’ into many things including flowers, wheels, scarecrow faces, balloons and the sun.

The Dot is a self-confidence story of a little girl who is upset and angry that she cannot draw anything.  Her teacher encourages her to, ‘make a mark and see where it takes you.’ With this support she changes her mindset and her artistic talent is revealed. 


Kingfisher Class have revealed their artistic talent by making these beautiful clay frames.  The picture framed is a ‘Dot’ and represents a journey of self-discovery acknowledging a belief in the power of YET.

Finally, we would like to share with you our class mural.  The flowers are based on Kandinsky’s abstract art using concentric circles. 

We are very proud of our work and hope you have enjoyed our gallery. 

Buzzard Bubble Art Gallery September 2020, inspired by the book 'The Dot' by Peter H Reynolds
‘It takes a STRONG person to say SORRY, and an even STRONGER person to FORGIVE’.