
South Petherton Church of England Infants and Pre-School

South Petherton Church of England Infants and Pre-School




At South Petherton C of E Infants School, children explore History as detectives and work like historians. Children use a range of enquiry skills which supports them to formulate informed decisions based on past. They have a clear understanding of the chronology of British history and begin to explore that of the wider world. We create aspiring and knowledgeable historians, allowing our children to progress through education and beyond with confidence. History is accessible to all learners, regardless of individual starting points.


History is brought to life through field trips, visitors and artefacts allowing our children to experience what life was like in the past. Our children have opportunities to immerse themselves in the period of history through acting and role play. They make comparisons between events in the past and how these relate to life today. In the Early Years Foundation Stage children will develop skills to talk about the lives of other people around them and their roles in society. Children will begin to identify some similarities and differences between things in the past and now, drawing on their own experiences and what has been learnt in class. There will be a rich environment of talk and sharing of stories to understand the past and present. In Key Sage 1, children develop awareness of the past. They learn about significant individuals who have contributed to the world. Children also learn about significant historical events within local area. Our pupils start their historical learning with events they are familiar with such as Guy Fawkes. Throughout Key Stage 1, there is an overarching focus on British history. Our children are given the opportunity to study a variety of primary and secondary sources, use enquiry skills, make predictions, and build their historical knowledge.


Children at South Petherton C of E Infants School will be able to:

• Identify key dates in history and chronologically order key periods of time

• Identify key facts about historical periods

• Be able to use evidence to make judgments and present these

• Have an understanding of the complexity of people’s lives during different periods of time

• Draw on knowledge and skills to develop their understanding of changes within different periods

• Understanding the lasting impact of people in our past and how it has shaped today’s world.

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