
South Petherton Church of England Infants and Pre-School

South Petherton Church of England Infants and Pre-School


Science Intent


Recent research used to inform practice

‘It is crucial that early science teaching empowers all pupils, regardless of their background, to engage fully with science learning, equipping them with the knowledge and skills they need to access opportunities later in life.’ EEF Improving Primary Science Guidance Report 24th November 2023. 


There is currently an attainment gap in Science at every stage: it is apparent at the end of KS1 and gets wider through Primary and Secondary Education with the gap growing particularly between the ages of 5-7. The strongest factor affecting pupil’s Science Learning is their Literacy Skills – particularly the ability to understand spoken language.  There is strong evidence to suggest that the ability to reason scientifically e.g. by having sound ‘working scientifically skills’ is a strong predictor of success in Science.  Pupils should therefore have ample opportunity to design and carry out their own experiments and investigations (EEF, 2019). The National Curriculum states that ‘Science has changed our lives and is vital to the world’s future prosperity and all pupils should be taught essential aspects of the knowledge, methods, processes and uses of science’. 


Developing skilled scientists at South Petherton C of E Infants and Pre-School

We aim to encourage independent thinking through our science teaching. We cover National Curriculum programmes of study and aim to broaden the outlook of children and make them more aware of the world in which they live and themselves in relation to it. We strive to develop their investigative skills and observational skills by enhancing their natural curiosity. Staff are always mindful of the children’s safety and ensure that the appropriate risk assessments are carried out. We also teach the children how to safeguard themselves in their science work. Our aim at South Petherton C of E Infants and Pre-School is to ensure that children develop a love of Science and embed the skills of working scientifically to inspire a future generation of Scientists.


At South Petherton C of E Infants we foster a hands-on curiosity for exploration of the world around us. We aim for the children to develop their ideas and ways of working that will enable them to make sense of the world around them through practical investigations, forest school, exploring our locality, visits from outdoor agencies and by planning their own investigations and experiments. We encourage our learners to be inquisitive and excited about the world around us and to treat the living and non-living environment with respect, curiosity and sensitivity.



We use the National Curriculum for England (2014) as a basis for implementing the statutory requirements of the programme of study for Science in Key Stage 1 and in the Foundation Stage we use the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. Science is taught following the aims and content of the KS1 National Curriculum. It is, wherever possible, taught though hands-on, topic-based work or in the extensive outdoor school environment. We strive to provide children with first-hand experiences and opportunities to work scientifically in order to develop their skills and knowledge.  Staff encourage children to use simple scientific language, to talk about what they have found out and develop their scientific reasoning skills. Children are encouraged to record their ideas in a number of ways including drawing, writing, photographing and using digital technology where appropriate.  We use both our indoor and outdoor environment to support teaching and learning in Science. Many lessons are taught through the use of first-hand practical experiences using our school grounds and local area. We also invite visitors into school such as Bug Fest and Wonderdome into school to inspire the children’s scientific curiosities.   


All pupils have visited a local farmer to see lambing season in action and we are fortunate to have the support of the local community with trips to Dillington House Estate and Farm, local nature reserves at Ham Hill.


British Science Week will be celebrated in the school, with all classes taking part in a variety of investigations alongside Science competitions and visitors to school. South Petherton C of E Infants have also taken part in STEM learning activities with a special event held in the local Church with Kapla – an inspirational workshop combining science, engineering, maths and creativity together in ways that capture any community’s imagination. 



Our children will develop a real sense of awe and wonder about the world they live in. They will have a good understanding of key scientific concepts and skills and be able to communicate their ideas using scientific vocabulary. Assessment will indicate that children know more, do more and remember more.  They will move on to their next stage of learning fully equipped with the skills to flourish in Science and STEM. Our children will be confident to ask questions, make predictions and begin to recognise how science impacts everyday life.


We use White Rose Science as a guide to support teaching and learning in Science in each Year Group.  The small step approach to Science Pedagogy aligns with cognitive theories of learning that emphasise and stress the limits of working memory.  By understanding the critical balance of cognitive load, our teachers can help every pupil master new skills without them feeling overwhelmed and ultimately failing to learn key concepts. White Rose Science Pedagogy enables teachers to apply Rosenshine Principles Small Steps to Science Lessons.  To help you understand the principles of this 'Pedagogy' watch the clip below.

Reception Science Yearly Overview

Year 1 Science Yearly Overview

Year 2 Science Yearly Overview

Science Vocabulary Progression Document 2024

Science and STEM at South Petherton C of E Infants

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