
South Petherton Church of England Infants and Pre-School

South Petherton Church of England Infants and Pre-School


 PE Curriculum Intent

Our PE curriculum is based on what we know is best for our pupils.

We aim to provide learning opportunities that enable all children to achieve their personal best. We strive to make sessions enjoyable, challenging and accessible to all. We provide opportunities for pupils to develop personal values and transferable life skills such as fairness, respect, team work, sportsmanship as well as providing pupils with opportunities to take part in competitive sport and Do yourself proud events. Children develop the knowledge, skills and competence to excel in a broad range of sports and physical activities including dance, gymnastics, athletics, games and outdoor activities. We offer a range of extra-curricular activities which encourage children to be physically active for sustained periods of time.

We inspire pupils to take part in sports activities long after they leave South Petherton CofE Infants and Preschool and we aim to equip them with knowledge and skills to be able to make informed decisions to lead healthy and active lives.

At South Petherton CofE Infants and Preschool we aim, through the teaching of PE and sporting opportunities in school, for all pupils to be physically active through the development of their agility and physical co-ordination. We believe that PE and physical activity (PA) play a vital part in a child’s physical, cognitive, social and emotional development. PE and physical activity contribute to academic achievement, emotional stability and social skills.

Physical education provides children with the opportunity to be creative, competitive and face up to different challenges, as individuals, and in groups and teams. It promotes positive attitudes towards healthy and active lifestyles. Children learn how to think in different ways and make decisions in response to these challenges. They learn how to reflect on their performance and plan and evaluate actions and ideas to improve the quality of their work. Through physical education, pupils discover their aptitudes, abilities and preferences and make informed choices about how to get involved in lifelong physical activity.

We believe in an approach to PE and sport which:

  • Values the efforts and contributions of all children
  • Engages children in purposeful and enjoyable physical activity
  • Offers equal opportunities to all children




 In order to implement our intent, we:

  • Provide children in the early years with a breath of opportunities to develop their physical development as well as following our PE scheme for two sessions a week
  • Dedicate two hours a week (on the school timetable) to PE in KS1
  • Teach PE as a separate subject but where appropriate linking to other curricular areas, such as healthy living in Science
  • Encourage children to wear suitable PE kit during PE lessons as highlighted on the school uniform policy
  • Set an example as staff by wearing suitable clothing whilst teaching PE
  • Teach PE outside except in extreme weather conditions, excepted for lessons such as Gymnastics.
  • Specifically teach children about safety in all aspects of PE
  • Supplement the PE curriculum with out of hours learning opportunities
  • Provide active lunchtimes for all children and provide a range of equipment to enable this to happen
  • Supplement the PE curriculum within school hours with external sports coaches and agencies.
  • Differentiate lessons accordingly to enable all children to take part and develop their skills to the best of their ability




Experience in PE should provide a depth of learning in a positive and engaging environment. Basic underlying principles and skills will have been practised and opportunities given to develop these into more complex processes.

Pupils will be confident to try new things and take risks. They will be able to make quick decisions and choices when planning tasks or performances. They will have a range of strategies for solving problems and show resilience to keep going when they find things difficult.

Pupils will understand the benefits of working in different group dynamics. They will have the confidence to lead and support others. They will understand the importance of physical activity in a wider context and possess the skills and enthusiasm to develop their learning further. 

Knowledge organisers

Ofsted says 'This is a school full of sparkle and joy. It places the utmost importance on pupils’ happiness and enjoyment.' November 2024