
South Petherton Church of England Infants and Pre-School

South Petherton Church of England Infants and Pre-School

Robin Class

Welcome to Robin Class 


'Embracing the Fullness of Life'

John 10:10 "I am come, that they might have life, and that they might have it abundantly."



In Robin Class our teacher is Mrs Farr. Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Young and Mrs Witcombe.  

We are a class of 28 wonderful children with 16 year 1 children and 12 reception children.

We love to be as independent as possible, from sorting out our own book bags, hanging up our belongings and putting away our drink bottles, to selecting resources to support our own learning.


We are very lucky to have caring parents who support us at home with our learning and we love to share activities that we have completed at home through our Tapestry Learning Journals.


Robin classroom is always busy and we love to show our best when trying new activities. We are looking forward to completing more exciting learning and adventures as we travel together through the academic year.




Teaching for mastery in maths

Helping children to acquire mastery in maths will pay dividends throughout their education. Maths mastery involves using approaches to develop a deep and secure knowledge and understanding of mathematics at each stage of children’s learning. These approaches can enable all children to success and acquire mastery and as teachers we believe all pupils can achieve. Depth is key, meaning children have recognised and grasped connections between concepts and can explain the reasons why something works or why it does not if something changes. As children progress through their education, they will be able to use this secure understanding to build more advanced mathematical ideas as maths continually builds on itself. The chart below show the Five Big Ideas used to underpin the teaching for mastery. Please follow the link for details of what lies behind them.


At South Petherton C of E Infants School we are passionate about the teaching of reading and writing. In 2020 we began using teaching sequences by Jane Considine called ‘The Write Stuff’. It is based on two guiding principles; teaching sequences that slide between ‘experience days’ and ‘sentence stacking’ lessons.

The sentence stacking lessons are delivered in bite-sized chunks with modelling at the heart of them, exemplifying particular features, for example, expanded noun phrases, subordination and recognising/using grammatical patterns in a sentence to indicate a function such as a statement, question, exclamation or command, in line with the requirements of the KS1 National Curriculum.

Talk is an integral part of learning and children are encouraged to articulate all parts of the writing process.

Writing is celebrated after each lesson using a ‘Sentence Stacking wall’ which, built up chronologically over time, produces a communal piece of work and a reference to further support children’s writing.

Experience WOW lessons take on many forms and are designed to stimulate ideas, strengthen context and build imagination. Independent writing follows on from the teaching sequences. Children co-construct a success criterion and then plan their work using a map. A draft write is then produced before editing of their work takes place using lenses e.g spelling, punctuation and re-writes where improvement can be made.

As a result of using this framework, children have a clear view of what quality writing looks like therefore, standards are improving and we are creating writers that consider the language choices on the reader.


Considine. J The Write Stuff) accessed 11.04.21)

These are taught through the Fantastics, Grammaristics and Boomtastics that can be seen below in the writing rainbow.

Help your child with maths vocabulary and number formation

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