
South Petherton Church of England Infants and Pre-School

South Petherton Church of England Infants and Pre-School

Online Safety

Online Safety Policy 2024/25

Online Safety


South Petherton C of E Infants and Pre-School On-Line Safety Curriculum INTENT


We aim to:

  • create responsible users of the internet
  • create pupils who will use the internet with discretion and make informed choices
  • deliver a progressive On-Line Safety Curriculum that begins with firm foundations in our Pre-School and builds upon the knowledge and skills for our children to become digitally literate
  • create resilient children who are self aware and can (with guidance) regulate their time on technology 
  • provide parents with information and guidance to support Online Safety at home    


At South Petherton Infants and Pre-School, we make sure online safety is embedded within all our learning. We also have whole school online safety assemblies and special online safety lessons in class every term. 


Keeping ourselves safe

Each year, every class in the school creates their own set of rules or promises for keeping themselves safe online. 


Keeping your family safe

Please remember the importance of monitoring what your child does online, including on mobile phones, tablets and when gaming, and talk to them about what to do if anything inappropriate happens. If you have any questions, please talk to your child's Class Teacher.  There are a number of excellent websites with lots of information for children and parents.

A very useful document 'Family Time with Technology'

A recent update from Somerset eLIM Primary Team for parents

Online Safety Building Habits for Key Stage 1

Parent Guidance Flyer March 2019

Happy Half Term Break. We look forward to welcoming all pupils back to school on Monday 4th November.