
South Petherton Church of England Infants and Pre-School

South Petherton Church of England Infants and Pre-School


Welcome to our Governors' section. 

Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests.


The main role of the Governing Body is to support the Headteacher and the staff, often described as a critical friend. We help to set and reach targets and to strive for excellence across the whole spectrum of school life.


The purpose of governance is to provide confident, strategic leadership and to create robust accountability, oversight and assurance for educational and financial performance. All boards, no matter what type of schools or how many schools they govern, have three core functions:


  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and

  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.


The Full Governing Body meets half termly. We have two committees;  Admissions and Pay and Headteacher Appraisal and these meet as required.


There are several categories of governor, appointed by different groups that have an interest in the school. These are representatives of the Church Foundation Governors, the Local Authority, Parents, and Staff. All Governors have equal status, however they are appointed.


Our Governing Body is comprised of:


  • 2 Parent Governors

  • 1 Local Authority Governor

  • 1 Headteacher

  • 1 Staff Governor

  • 8 Foundation Governors 


Associate Governors can be co-opted onto the Governing Body, however it has been agreed by the Governing Body that they only have voting rights on committees.


Our Governing Body meetings are held in the evening, but meetings can be held during the day. We attend training sessions and seminars to help us keep up to date with educational changes.  This enables the board to work effectively.  We also go into School to complete specific Learning Walks, meet with the Headteacher, other members of staff and pupils.  


If you wish to know more, or are interested in becoming a Governor, please contact us via the School Office. We are committed to providing an excellent environment for all pupils to enjoy during their time at our School.


Any member of the Governing Body can be contacted via the school email: or the School on 01460 240750.


Any communication will then be forwarded to the appropriate person.

Governors Register of Business Interests

Governors Attendance 2024-25

Governors Attendance 2023-24

Becoming A School Governor

Welcome to our website. We hope you enjoy exploring what we have to offer our community.