The School Day
Our school gates open at 8:35am and we offer a soft start to the morning to ease congestion in the village and enable siblings to get safely to both Pre-School and South Petherton Junior School. We expect all pupils to be in school by 8:45am when the school day officially begins.
A usual day begins with phonics, followed by a Mastery Maths lesson, Collective Worship, Breaktime, then a spelling or handwriting lesson and English lesson. We also have a daily Mastering Number lesson of 15 mins to deepen number sense. The morning is very busy!
Lunchbreak takes place at 12:15pm - 1:15pm and pupils have lunch in their year groups and enjoy a range of play-based activities or active play to promote physical development.
Afternoon lessons begin at 1:15pm and a broad and balanced curriculum is planned and taught by Class Teachers. In Key Stage 1, this usually consists of two different curriculum subjects in any one afternoon for example, PE and PHSE, Science and Art or Computing and History (NB: The full range of curriculum subjects are taught as detailed in the National Curriculum). The school day finishes at 3:15pm.
The school day is 6.5 hours a day; a total of 32.5 hours weekly.